Merhaba siteme hoş geldiniz. Sitemde Matematik, Fizik, Geometri, Kimya, Felsefe, Bilim, Teknoloji, Web Tasarım, Kodlama, Genel Kültür... gibi hayata dair bir çok alanda içerik bulabilirsiniz. Öğrendiğim veya bildiğim şeyleri paylaşmaktan zevk ve onur duyarım. Bilgiyle kalın!

Question Words

Who? / Person
Who was at the party?
Who is your best friend?

Where? / Position, Place
Where do you live?
Where did you put the books?

When? / Time, Occasion, Moment
When is your birthday?
When did you get up?

Why? / Reason, Explanation
Why are you sad?
Why didn’t you call me?

What? / Specific thing, Object
What are you going to wear?
What are we eating?
What’s mean hurma?

Which? / Choice, Alternative
Which dress fits me better?

How? / Way, Manner, Form
How was your day?
How do you know what happened?
How do you feel?